I can not in good conscience place my stamp of approval on any product without first asking myself two very important questions. First, I question whether or not I would buy this product again if I were to lose the copy I have, and secondly, I must take into account how long the product will remain on my system. After all, with the multitude of products that I review and acquire for my own personal use, the disk space gets eaten up pretty quick.

To answer the first question, I doubt that I would buy both of them, but perhaps I would choose one or the other. It’s not because they aren’t stellar products, but for $24.95 each ($49.90 for both), that seems just a little steep for instruments. I have come across some fantastic aircraft, scenery, and utility add-ons for less. As for the second question, I predict that both of these instruments will remain in my wide bodies, and a few other aircraft, for quite a while to come, likely well into the next version of Flight Simulator.

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So who would benefit from the Wx500 and ST3400? While I believe that they can both make a great addition to any simmers home cockpit, I think that those of you using third-party flight analysis programs have the most to gain. For example, when using FS Passengers it is essential that you keep your passengers satisfied… flying through a hail storm will not put smiles on their faces. And as for the ST3400, it could come in handy for other programs, like Airliner Pilot, where you will be performing many flights in the evening when it can be difficult to see mountains and other impediments.

On the up side, I am extremely satisfied that both the Wx500 and ST3400 do everything that they claim and more. I find the displays to be crystal clear, the information is relative and accurate, and they can be resized to fit into just about any cockpit. I like having the ability to use them in any view, and there was not a single bug or glitch to be found.

On the down side, I really would prefer to have the ability to install the gauges into my panels in place of other instruments. For example, I would like to have placed the Wx500 in my Airbus A380 panel as a permanent fixture, just like the FMC or heading indicator. I have consulted a few Flight Sim XLM gauge designers who have informed me that it is possible to place the gauges in this manner by altering the panel configuration file, but with all of the aircraft I have in my inventory, that would be very time consuming.

Do I recommend either of these instruments? Sure, as long as you are seeking to avoid heavy weather or hunt it down, then the Wx500 is just for you. And if you want an all-inclusive TAWS, RMI, and GPWS system, then the ST3400 is for you too. They have both earned my stamp of approval, but I would like to see the price come down a bit. I would feel much more comfortable recommending these products at five or ten dollars less than advertised.

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So to sum it up, I really enjoy using both of these products, I continue to do so, and I will likely continue using both of them for a long time to come. Aside from the price, of which the cost-value can be easily debated, there is nothing bad to say about either product, that is assuming that I can someday implement them both directly into my panels as opposed to using them as sub panels. Are they a must have? Not really, but I will say that they are guaranteed to make a great addition to any Flight Sim enthusiasts arsenal.